Friday, 26 February 2021

LESSON-6 Avoiding Superstitions


LESSON-6 Avoiding Superstitions


Superstitions eat the wisdom, like weeds.


6.1 Introduction

In today's scientific world, the man has reached the moon, but still, he is backward in his thinking. He does not think rationally in every situation. The man has made some false beliefs and myths and follows the same. He is unable to come out of his thoughts. His mind becomes the slave of superstitions and misconceptions.


Dear students, you might be aware of many bad rituals and myths prevailing in your families and your neighbourhood. Superstition is the thinking that creates phobias and false concepts, leaving behind reality. Such orthodox thinking hinders our progress and pulls us back. Can you guess some of the superstitions?







Have you ever heard at home, when you are going out for some important work, not to leave home if a cat crosses your way? While leaving for the exam, your mother gives you some sweet things to eat, with a notion that it will bring a good result, as it is a lucky charm. Can you think of the logic behind these notions?

They have made some positive or negative associations with these thoughts.

Now, make a list of such beliefs that you feel are wrong but you follow them, due to some phobias. Write down a few such beliefs.







Now, we will conduct a survey, in which you have to collect the views of the people living around you, whether they are in favour or against superstitions. Record your data in the following table.


PERSON'S NAME                  VIEWS                                 REASON OF BELIEF                                                                                 






6.2 Questions

Hello students, last week you were given a survey activity. You were asked to record the responses of your family members and friends related to superstitions. Hope you all have done it. Now, let us count how many believe and how many don't believe in superstitions.

Do you know why people become superstitious? Have you ever thought why people have such false beliefs in their minds?

Now we will try to know the actual reasons behind these false beliefs. Sometimes, a person's behaviour is not good for the self and society. Despite the endless efforts, the person refuses to change his/her behaviour. Then, the family members associate various superstitions to the wrong behaviour, just to improve his behaviour. He/ She starts following them out of fear.

Write some of the superstitions along with the logic behind them. First is done, as an example.

Superstition: Don't sleep under the trees during the night. The ghosts live on trees at night.

Explanation: During the night, trees emit Carbon Dioxide, whereas we need Oxygen to respire. So, when people deny understanding this fact, often the fear of ghosts is attached to it. Surprisingly, everyone agrees to it.

Superstition: ____________

Explanation: __________

Superstition: __________

Explanation: ___________

Superstition: __________

Explanation: __________

Superstition: _________

Explanation: _____

Now you will probably have a better understanding of how some false beliefs initiate and are being spread, which are many times used for the welfare of people.

HOMEWORK: In the coming week, visit the school library and read some books related to superstitions. Read the newspaper daily. If you find good material related to the topic in some book or newspaper, bring it in the next class and share it with other students.

6.3 Questions

Dear students, as you know, we will talk about superstitions today. Read the following incident and try to think the answer to the questions following this incident.

Mohit was going to his school for an exam. A black cat crossed his way. He immediately returned home and said to his parents, "I have returned because a black cat crossed my path.

So, I would have failed, even if I appear in the exam."


Answer the following questions:


1. In your opinion, whether Mohit was right or wrong? Why?


2. What should be his parents' reaction?


3. What would be the ending of the incident, if you were one of the characters in it?


Dear students, hope you have understood about that the superstitions. You have to aware others about it. We will organize painting and slogan writing competitions next week.



6.4 Questions

Dear students, hope you have collected information related to superstitions, from various books and newspapers, in the last week. Till now, you might have understood that the superstitions hinder the path of progress and pull over society backwards. Today we will organize competitions related to the same.

Painting competition

Slogan writing competition

The theme of the competitions is 'Awareness against Superstitions'. You are free to participate in any competition. Your paintings and slogans will be presented on the display board for the whole month.


Well done students! Keep it up!






Special suggestions from the teacher to the student