Monday, 28 December 2020

Chapter 3 Fibre To Fabric


Chapter 3 – Fibre to Fabric


 ACTIVITY- 1 : To know different types of fabric.

Question 1- List any two types of fabric?

Answer- Natural and synthetic.


Question 2- How does silk fabric feel?

Answer- Smooth.


Question 3- With what kind of fabric your dupatta is made up of?

Answer- Light and smooth cotton.


ACTIVITY- 4: How is yarn made?

Question 1- Yarn is made of …………….?

Answer- Fibres.


Question 2- What is yarn?

Answer- Yarn is made by pulling and twisting fibres.


Question 3- How do you make yarn from cotton?

Answer- Yarn is made by pulling and twisting cotton fibres.




Question 1- Fill In The Blanks.


a. Silk is smooth and shiny.

b. Coir is extracted from the outer covering of coconut.

c. Nylon and Polyester are synthetic fibres.

d. Cotton is a natural  fibre.

e. Yarns are made of fibres.


Question 2- Write True Or False.


a. Polyester is a natural fibre. (False)

b. In knitting, a single yarn is used to make a piece of fabric. (False)

c. Cotton clothes are comfortable to wear in hot humid weather. (True)

d. The process of removing seed from cotton is called retting. (False)

e. The fibres are spun in yarns by pulling out and twisting the fibres together. (True)


Question 3- Match The Column ‘A’ With Column ‘B’.


A                    B

a. Jute                  a. outer covering of coconut (c)

b. Acrylic            b. stem (a)

c. Coir                 c. separation of seeds (d)

d. Ginning           d. synthetic fibres (b)

e. Hand spindle   e. spinning (e)


Question 4. Choose The Correct Answer.


(i). Which of the following is not a natural fibre?

a) Wool

b) Nylon ()

c) Cotton

d) Jute


(ii). Which of these fabrics will you choose to wear in hot and humid weather?

a) Cotton ()

b) Wool

c) Silk

d) Nylon


(iii). The process of separation of seeds from cotton balls is:

a) Spinning

b) Retting

c) Ginning ()

d) Picking


(iv). Acrylic is:

a) Natural fibre

b) Animal fibre

c) Plant fibre

d) Synthetic fibre ()


(v). Which of these is a plant fibre?

a) Polyester

b) Wool ()

c) Acrylic

d) Jute ()


Question 5- Very Short Answer Type Questions.


(i) Name any two animal fibres?

Answer- Wool and silk.


(ii) Name the two basic types of natural fibres?

Answer- Cotton and wool.


(iii) What is the right time for harvesting of jute plant?

Answer- When plant is at flowering stage.


(iv) List any two uses of jute?

Answer- Jute is used to make ropes, carpets and ginny bags.


Question 6- Short Answer Type Questions.


(i) Write differences between natural and synthetic fibres ?


Natural Fibres

Synthetic fibres


1. These fibres are obtained from nature.

1. These fibres are obtained by human by chemical processes.


2. They can absorb water.

 2. They cannot absorb water.


3. Examples - wool, cotton, silk, jute.

3. Examples - nylon, polyester, acrylic.



(ii) What is sericulture?

Answer- Rearing of silkworms for production of silk is known as sericulture.


(iii) What is meant by ginning of cotton?

Answer- The process of separation of seeds from cotton balls is known as ginning.


Question 7- Long Answer Type Questions.


(i) Why do we prefer cotton clothes in summer?

Answer- Cotton clothes are good for humid and hot weather (summer), because it absorbs water easily.


(ii) How spinning of cotton is done?

Answer- The fibres are spun in yarns by pulling out and twisting the fibres together. This process is known as spinning. Spinning is done with hand spindle (takli), spinning wheel (charkha) or machines.